# Homepage Zakaria Belhachmi ![](https://codimd.math.cnrs.fr/uploads/upload_be0f6e33d4b54b66acfe645edf39ecce.png =200x200) ## Professor at University of Upper Alsace :::info Dept. Math., IRIMAS, université de Haute Alsace, 12 rue des Frères Lumière, 68 093 MULHOUSE Cedex zakaria.belhachmi.at.uha.fr ::: ## (Subjective) Selected papers * [Shape optimisation](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/zamm.202200156) * [Learning for image analysis](https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05585-w) * [Gradient systems](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF03377365) * [Inverse problems](https://https://hal.science/hal-03640866v1) * [Spectral shape optimization](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/zamm.200510259) * [FEM in Fluid mechanics](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00211-006-0039-9) ## Research topics and interests **PDEs** * Gradient systems * calculus of variations **list of key words** > Image analysis, > inverse problems, > shape optimization, > Fluid, structural mechanics, > variational inequalities, **Numerical analysis** * a priori error estimates, convergence analysis * a posteriori analysis * Finite elements method * Spectral methods **list of key words** > adaptive methods, > error estimators for automatic modeling > domain decomposition method **Computing** * implementing variational methods * parallel computing * numerical algebra **list of key words** > FreeFem++ > spectral methods > mortar elements **Applications** * Fluid mechanics (Navier-Stokes, Darcy), structural mechanics (Linear and Nonlinear elasticity), variational inequalities (Signorini problems) * Computer vision, restoration/inpainting * Photo-acoustic and optical-acoustic imaging, (geometric) defects identification ## Publications [publist-pdf-](https://plmbox.math.cnrs.fr/f/7d8113ebca5243ba86e8/) ## Teaching activities (in progress) * [Lecture on Deterministic and stochastic optimal control](https://plmbox.math.cnrs.fr/f/24ff42921b0d4b179ea6/) # Links * [Socot](https://codimd.math.cnrs.fr/s/vKWD_JtAu#) * [Workshop](https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/9359/) * [Workgroup](https://irimas.math.cnrs.fr/groupe-parabolique/)